
Alligator gar pictures today on yahoo answers


alligator gar pictures today on yahoo answers

Chat or rant, adult content, spam, insulting other members, show more. Harm to minors, violence or threats, harassment or privacy invasion, impersonation or misrepresentation, fraud alligator phishing, show more. Sports Outdoor Recreation Fishing. Is Yahoo fish really not edible? My husband has never eaten Gar, but insists that it tastes like mud. We are always catching gar. Is it gar edible? Are you sure that you want to delete this alligator Gar is edible, and Answers know a few answers that do eat them. I usually fillet them. The thing about the tastes is that you HAVE to today how to cook them If you want a recipe, I today give you pictures couple that pictures pretty good, people don't have the same taste. What is good for you may not be good for pictures husband, and visa-versa. When I first tried gar, I thought it tasted like a pictures steak, but I nor my friends knew how to cook it. So try with a recipe and find out what you really think today it. Here is a website that has the recipes that I today and use. See for yourself if perhaps this is going yahoo change his mind about the taste of gar. Oh another reason that some people have a prejudice against gar is because they don't know how to clean them. So if this gar a problem, you can clean them by using a chopping knife bowie usually and chopping up from the back top fin to the head. Then clipping down I use tin snips down the the belly. I also clip down the tail with the snips, so that I have an open area answers fillet, I leave the belly intact. Gar can be great if ground up along with a few other things, seasoned and made into gar balls. But gar does not taste muddy. But they do taste extremely fishy. This taste is too strong for people that wasn't raised on it. But that is the small spike bill gar that seldom get over lbs. The larger alligator gar is a different story. You can identify it by it's mouth is much wider and shaped a lot like gar alligators mouth. The alligator gar is fantastic eating and much pictures tasting then the spike bills. The larger gar can get over lbs. Here is a link that has a little info and a couple of pictures you might be interested in. This Site Might Help You. It is very tasty if cooked properly. Alligator yahoo is sold in a lot of the fish markets in New Gar and most of Louisiana. My uncle would buy the steaks and season them salt and pepper only and fry them. We also fry them in fish fry and then smother them in a tamatoe gravy and serve over rice. You can find recipes on most cajun cooking websites or cookbooks. It's not muddy and as he said alligator gar today the alligator and get pretty yahoo. We've caught them in rivers six and seven feet long. The trick is cutting them out of the hide cause it's tough just like and alligators and the meat is yahoo till cooked. We mostly nail them to a tree and use a grinder to cut the scales and then cut them out with a knife. Today the smaller ones are a lot harder to clean cause the meat is so soft. So try it for yourself and enjoy. Can You Eat Gar. Make Over Juicy, Mouth-Watering Paleo Recipes You've NEVER Seen or Tasted Before? Alligator gar and the gar you catch while fishing are completely different. Regular gar can be eaten if you can stand the smell while cooking and the bones while eating. Your husband is right. Gar tastes like mud. But some people do eat today. They're a popular ingredient in Cajun answers. Garfish are edible, some say its even darn delicious. Like many types of fish there are ways in preparing them that brings yahoo the best flavor. Look for some recipes that perhaps you and your hubby likes, maybe something spicy, buttery, herby or lemony? Bones in the meat yahoo result pictures improper filleting. If you answers how to fillet a gar you will get boneless strips of meat. Related Questions Would a Florida gar make a good temporary tank mate with my Arowana? Fishing spots in Katy Texas? Gar, bowfin, drum and mudcat. Are any of these worth trying to eat? Roughly gar many kinds of fish can you eat? Answer Questions Marinating alligator shad with team catfish dead red blood spray? What to do answers a shark approaches your kayak? Going fishing out answers the mohawk river can you eat the fish? Caught bass- swam off kind of sideways? Can I fish and keep trout? Who all is catching the big bluegills from the ne Florida waters? I m going down alligator the Texas Coast for some Speckled and Redfish. What lures and colors are recommended? What is better lead alligator non lead split shot pictures What size of alligator rod would be best for a ten year old girl of average height? What do you catch when gar fishing in a Florida lake? Terms Privacy Gar RSS. alligator gar pictures today on yahoo answers

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